Central Java Cultural Values

Central Java, consisting of 3 (three) cultural environment, the culture of the Coastal Environment, Environment Bagelan Â-Banyumas culture, and the Cultural Palace, with the preservation of culture, among others Ceremony: tingkeban, Brokohan, Puputan, selapanan, Tedhak siten, Ruwatan, Net Village, heirloom cleansing, Nyadran, and Alms Sea.
Central Java has a cultural heritage, among others: Candi Borobudur, Mendut & Pawon, Dieng, Gedongsongo, Prambanan.
Philosophy of life :
Ojo dumeh, to control ourselves so as not to cocky for example ojo dumeh GEK kuwoso (new endowed with power), ojo dumeh wealthy (just blessed with wealth), ojo dumeh wong rank (new endowed positions), etc..
Mulad Sariro Hangrosowani, human beings must be willing and able to berinstropeksi themselves so that in carrying out daily life - the day is not wrong. Melt Joyoningrat Surodiro Pangastuti Dening, all evil and evil would be destroyed by the kindness. Alon-Alon Waton kelakon, all of which will be done must be considered carefully and be - the heart, NO rush - rush to be in accordance with the ideals and the original plan.

Source : http://central-java-tourism.com/dev/central-java/id/nilai


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