Know the Cultural Arts District of North Halmahera

There are several traditional arts in North Maluku, among others:
DANCE Cakalele, Cakalele war dance is a dance that is currently more frequently performed for the great welcome guests who come to this area as well as for events that are customary. The dancers cakalele men typically use machetes and salawaku while female dancers use Lenso (sniffer). Cakelele is a traditional dance of Maluku.
TOKUWELA, Is a traditional folk performances that require more than 20 players. Tokuwela while accompanied by the song, the show is the cast of men and women will shape the formation berpegangtangan face each other and each other so as to sustain a child that will run on it. The show is usually hosted by the tribe Galela, Tobelo and Loloda on special occasions.
MUSIC YANGERE,Is the traditional music community in North Halmahera. This music is played in groups using traditional musical instruments kaste (traditional bass) and jup (small guitar). By the local community Yangere music is usually played in order to welcome the specific event in a way took him around from house to house.
DANCE TIDETIDE,Tidetide is a typical dance of North Halmahera are usually performed on a particular event such as on a traditional wedding or a festival. Movement on the dance Tidetide have specific meanings that can be interpreted as a lingua franca so Tidetide also known as social dance. This dance is performed by a group of male and female dancers who totaled 12 people while accompanied by a wasp drums, gongs and violins.
DANCE DENGEDENGE,Besides Tidetide, North Halmahera also has Dengedenge as social dances are usually performed by a group of male and female dancers with the accompaniment of the singing of poetry rhyme that has the meaning of love and hope in the future. Not infrequently this dance ends with an agreement to marry between the male and female dancers. Singing accompaniment Dengedenge sung by mutual unrequited revenge.
BAMBOO MUSIC HITADI,As the name implies, Musical instrument made ​​of bamboo Bamboo Hitadi using musical tone settings based on the notes that takes the song to the accompaniment. Bamboo Hitadi music is traditional music which is only found in North Halmahera with the player and singer of 15 people.
BAMBOO MUSIC inflatable, Bamboo brass music performance is a general entertainment for the people of North Halmahera are played by blowing. Bamboo musical instrument wind instrument made of bamboo and performed by a group of musicians consisting of 20-30 people. Unlike the music hitadi bamboo, bamboo wind instrument music need not be collaborated with singers and other musical instruments like the flute.
TRADITIONAL CEREMONIES HIBUALAMO, Performed for events that are indigenous peoples such as the inauguration of a leader. Begins with a ceremonial procession through the city that ended in Hibualamo. In this procession the leader will sit on the oversized chair stretcher by 4-8 people. A variety of regional cultures will be displayed at the event based on the traditional house Hibualamo. This ceremony usually ends with a meal together.

DANCE GUMATERE, Intended to ask for directions to a problem or a natural phenomenon that is happening. This dance is performed by 30 male and female dancers. Dancers men use spears and swords while the female dancers use Lenso. What is unique of this dance is one of the dancers will use a black cloth, and candles for ritual nyiru ask directions of an event. Gumatere is a traditional folk dance of Morotai.

BOBASO, Bobase is a traditional game of the past youth. In a game played by eight dancers are sung poems of love and also the theme of hope in the future. Bobaso game interspersed with the dance that moves to the rhythm of the music is very slow and varied. A total of six musicians with musical instruments drums, gongs and violins usually accompany this dance. Bobaso at first glance very similar to the dance Dengedenge.

DANCE LELEHE, Lelehe can dance performed by children and adults. The dancers usually use two tools of bamboo measuring 2-3 meters as dance gear. This dance is performed by a male and female dancers. Lelehe dance is a traditional tribal dance is usually performed on Tobelo and events customary marriage evening cultural performances and events.

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