History of City of Semarang

City of Semarang, Central Java as the mother city, the city of Semarang has a long history. At first only from the plains of mud, which later developed rapidly into the environmental progress and manifest themselves as an important city. As a big city, it absorbed many immigrants. They are, then look for livelihood and settled in the city of Semarang until the end. Then followed one after another the next generation of life. In the past, there was a prince of the sultanate of Demak named Raden Made of Pandan Pandan Arang with his son, leaving Demak headed to the region Somewhere West of the island later named Tirang, clearing forests and establishing boarding schools and Islamic religious broadcasting. From time to time that the more fertile, from the sidelines of the fertility of the tree comes the acid charcoal (Javanese: Asem Charcoal), thus providing the title or name it the Semarang. As the founder of the village, then he was appointed head of the local area, with a degree Kyai Pandan Arang Ageng I. After his death, local leaders are held by his son who holds Pandan Arang II.Under the leadership of Pandan Arang, Semarang increasingly showing an increased growth, thus attracting the attention of Sultan Hadiwijaya and Pajang. Because the increasing requirements can be met, it was decided to make Semarang level with the District. Finally Pandan Arang by Sultan Display in consultation with the Sunan Kalijaga, also coincided with the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, the 12th of Rabi-H or 954 years earlier to coincide with the date May 2, 1547 AD, was crowned the first regent. On the "customary and political stand Semarang". The reign of Pandan Arang II shows the prosperity and well-being that can be enjoyed by residents. But those days may not last long because in accordance with the advice of Sunan Kalijaga, Regent Pandan Arang II resigned from abundance of worldly life. He left his post, leaving the city of Semarang with the family headed south past the Salatiga and Boyolali, finally came to a hill named jabalekat in Klaten area. This area, he became an announcer and unify Islam southern area of ​​Central Java and the title Sunan Tembayat. He died in 1553 and was buried atop Mount Jabalkat. After Regent Pandan Arang resigned and replaced by Raden Ketib, Prince Kanoman or Pandan Arang III (1553-1586), then followed by subsequent replacement of Mas R. Tumenggung Tambi (1657-1659), Mas Tumenggung Wongsorejo (1659 - 1666), Mas Tumenggung Prawiroprojo (1966-1670), Mas Tumenggung Alap-alap (1670-1674), Kyai Mertonoyo, Kyai Tumenggung. Yudonegoro or Kyai Suromenggolo Duke (1674 -1701), Raden Raden Maotoyudo or Summmgrat (1743-1751), Marmowijoyo or Sumowijoyo or Sumonegoro or Surohadmienggolo (1751-1773), Surohadimenggolo IV (1773 -?), Duke Surohadimenggolo V or Kanjeng Terboyo ( ?), Raden Tumenggung Surohadiningrat (? -1841), Putro Surohadimenggolo (1841-1855), Mas Ngabehi Reksonegoro (1855-1860), RTP Suryokusurno (1860-1887), RTP Reksodirjo (1887-1891), RMTA Purbaningrat (1891 - ?), Raden Cokrodipuro (? -1927), RM Soebiyono (1897-1927), RM Amin Suyitno (1927-1942), RMAA Sukarman Mertohadinegoro (1942-1945), R. Soediyono Midshipman Kusumo (1945-1945), only lasted a month, M. Soemardjito Priyohadisubroto (1946, 1949 to 1952 of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia) at the time of the RIS Governing federal pemerintahann RM.Condronegoro appointed Regent until 1949. After recognition of the sovereignty of the Netherlands, the Regent office handed over to M. Sumardjito. His successor is R. Oetoyo Koesoemo (1952-1956). His position as Regent of Semarang city no longer take care of taking care of the region but outside the city of Semarang. This happens as a result perkembangnya Semarang Municipal. In 1906 with Stanblat No. 120 of 1906 established the Government Gemeente. This large city government headed by a Burgemeester (Mayor). Government System is held by the Dutch ended in 1942 with the Japanese occupation government datangya. During the Japanese government was formed in Semarang kepalai Military (Shico) from Japan. Accompanied by two representatives (Fuku Shico) each from Japan and a nation of Indonesia. After Indonesia's independence was proclaimed on August 17, 1945, the regional government of Semarang has not been able to carry out their duties because of the Dutch occupation. In 1946 the British on behalf of the Allies handed the city of Semarang to the stairs L6 Belanda.Ini occurred in May 1946. Dated June 3, 1946 with the deceit, the Netherlands menaiigkap Mr. Sudjahri priest, the mayor of Semarang before the proclamation of independence. Shortly after independence, the date 15 to October 20, 1945 it happened Semarang heroic young men who fought against Japanese troops who insisted on not willing to surrender to the forces of the Republic. This struggle known as the Battle of Five Days. During the period of Dutch occupation there is no local government of Semarang city. Narnun fighters remain in government to run the government in rural areas or refugee areas outside the city until December 1948. evacuation areas moving from the city Purwodadi, Gubug, Kedungjati, Salatiga, and finally in Yogyakarta. Government leaders in a row held by R Broken, R. Prawotosudibyo and Mr. Ichsan. Dutch occupation government, known as Recomba trying to reshape the Gemeente like the days of colonial rule first under the leadership of R Slamet Tirtosubroto. It did not work, because in the recovery of sovereignty should be handed to the Commander KMKB Semarang in February 1950. I date April 1950 Major Suhardi, Commander KMKB. Semarang government to hand over to Mr. Koesoedibyono, a high official of the Interior Ministry in Yogyakarta. He recast the administrative apparatus in order to facilitate the running of the government. Since 1945 the mayor who led the major cities of Semarang who later became Township and eventually became the city of Semarang is as follows: 1. Mr. Moch.lchsan 2. Mr. Koesoebiyono (1949 - 1 July 1951) 3. RM. Hadisoebeno Sosrowardoyo (July 1, 1951 - January 1, 1958) 4. Mr. Abdulmadjid Djojoadiningrat (January 7 1958 - 1 January 1960) 5. RM Soebagyono Tjondrokoesoemo (January 1, 1961 - April 26, 1964) 6. Mr. Wuryanto (25 April 1964-1 September 1966) 7. Lieutenant Colonel. Soeparno (1 September 1966 - 6 March 1967) 8. Lieutenant Colonel. R. Warsito Soegiarto (March 6, 1967-2 Januari 1973) 9. Colonel Hadijanto (2Januari 1973 - January 15, 1980) 10. Kol. H. Soeparto Tjakrajoeda Imam SH (January 15, 1980 - 19 January 1990) 11. Colonel H. Soetrisno Suharto (19Januari 1990-19 January 2000) 12. H. Sukawi Sutarip SH. (January 19, 2000 - present)

Physical growth
Broadly speaking, the growth of the city of Semarang has undergone berubahan - physical changes from year to year between:
· The period before the Alluvial Plain is formed
· Period of 900 s / d 1500
· Period Year of 1500 s / d 1700
· Period Year of 1700 s / d 1906
· Period Year of 1906 s / d 1942
· Period Year of 1942 s / d 1976


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